Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Testing Window

Far too often, teachers feel as if they are doing more paperwork than teaching. Testing time is one of them. Here are some tips that I have used to make testing run smoothly and get done quickly:

Set a plan- sit down and plan out how many days you have for testing, and how much testing you will do o each day. Will you test one student to completion? Or will you complete one whole assessment for the class before moving to the next one?

Have materials ready- it's hard to stick to a plan when you don't have the recording sheets for tests you were planning to do. Make sure you also copy extra for students who have made more progress than you may have thought. (And vise versa)

Finding time- block out time in your schedule and plan to test during the whole block of time.

Look at it as a "getting to know you" time- it's not everyday that you get to sit down with each individual student. Use this time to get more personal with the student. This will help them relax during the testing, and also help you find something enjoyable with in the time.

What are some other strategies you have for testing?

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