Friday, January 22, 2016

Pulling Guided Reading Groups

Selecting the Text
Consider the following:
       Print layout and spacing
       Familiarity and sophistication of content
       Known and new high frequency contact
       Support provided by illustrations and other art
       Familiarity of language or syntax
       Amount of new vocabulary
       Graphic or other text features
       Organization of information
Introducing the Text
       Call attention to a few difficult words
       Explain a few concepts or vocabulary
       Build interest in the text
       Activate background knowledge
       Get students wondering about the text
       Invite students to make predictions
       Point out something unusual in the print or layout or language structures
       Point out unfamiliar text features like bold type, ellipses, italics.
Reading the Text
       2nd grade  and up – will usually read silently while the teacher listens
       Kindergarten and 1st grade – will usually read out loud, very softly.
How Do I Listen
       Slide hand in and out
       Turn one front/one back
       Walk around and kneel beside each child
       Have them start at different times
What if they finish at different times?
       Teach them to reread
       Have them read and then choose another book to read
       Give them a task to think/write about when they are done
While they are reading
       Prompt to initiate problem-solving actions using meaning, language and print
       Demonstrate effective ways to search for and use the information in the text
       Demonstrate, reinforce or prompt using self-monitoring of checking strategies
       Demonstrate, reinforce or prompt self-correcting errors that interfere with meaning
       Observe effective reading behaviors
       Demonstrate, reinforce or prompt using punctuation.
Discussing and Revisiting the Text
       Practice retelling
       Invite personal response/sharing of understanding
       Encourage readers to search for new information
       Make predictions/inferences
       Make connections
       Express opinions
       Listen to and build on each other’s thinking
Retelling Activities
       Story Boards
       Picture Retelling
       Round Robin Retelling
       Dramatic Retelling
       Cut-Up Stories

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