Friday, January 22, 2016

ARI Meetings

ARI Meetings

Documentation to Bring to the ARI Meeting
Student Data-either the Class Summary Sheet found in First Class>Elementary Language Arts> ARI Folder> or an Eduphoria Class Printout (to be determined by the campus.
Identify ARI students using the Reading Literacy Assessment Guidelines.  Students who have fallen below level on all assessments are ARI with the exception of Grades 4-6 where ARI students are those students who have not achieved a 70% or above on STAAR testing.

After Identifying Students as At Risk:
Identify Students as ARI in Eduphoria
Send letters to parents letting them know their student has been tested.  Letters can be found in First Class>Elementary Language Arts>ARI Assessments folder. (These are sent home on all students)
A yellow literacy folder must be created for each students identified as ARI.  If previously identified, the folder may already exist.

Documentation Requirements:
As each student is seen in small group, documentation is a best teaching practice
Documentation MUST occur every time an ARI students us seen in class
Documentation may be done in View-It or on Paper-This is a campus and teacher preference.
At Lease 6 weeks of documentation must be included in the yellow literacy folder at the end of the year.

Standard Classroom Practice:
All students in CISD MUST be seen in guided reading groups.
CISD READS Guided Reading Flow Chart is a document developed to help you determine how often during the week a group of students should be seen in guided reading
Documentation needs to occur for ALL students in CISD.

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